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Updated: Nov 10, 2023

Don't miss the XR hype wave that has swept millions of users of IT giants from Apple with its Vision Pro to Microsoft, Snapchat, Meta and the legendary PokemonGo.

Get 30 days of free XR marketing for participating in the planetary event - "Dive into another reality"


By submitting an application before December 30, the marketing collaboration participant will receive a $5,000 grant and support to launch a trial advertising campaign in the planetary layer of augmented reality in the Arcona XR Metaverse.

During the event, your promo videos and loot boxes with rewards in different parts of the world will be found by users who will go hunting for prizes.

To participate in the event, submit an image of a coin, NFT or any other asset and a link to a promo video, and decide what rewards you want to give to your community.

Benefits of cooperation:

  • Interesting non-standard events for users

  • Viral content and social media activity

  • Test your marketing solutions for free

Hunting for airdrops

Product placement

Prizes in loot boxes

Self-service to place AD

About us

Arcona® Metaverse is a planetary augmented reality space for remotely hosting geo-referenced digital content without investing in building your own technologies and infrastructure.

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