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Business on the Digital Land Arcona XR Metaverce

In recent years, our ideas about how to do business have changed dramatically. The COVID-19 epidemic has shown us how to live and work in an environment where borders are closed, any business travel is canceled and potential partners and customers are on lockdown. Virtually all companies and entrepreneurs have had to learn how to do business online. And they are all faced with one very difficult task - to demonstrate their products in a new format in a beautiful, bright and clear way. And here modern visualization technologies come to the rescue, first and foremost augmented reality.

Augmented reality allows you to show virtual objects - your products or illustrations of services - against the familiar surroundings. This gives a unique effect of full presence and realism of what is happening. Such digital presentations are an ideal way to promote business remotely. The only thing that has hindered the mass use of AR technology so far is the complexity and high cost of preparing such projects.

Arcona XR Metaverse was created in order to make augmented reality cost-effective and accessible even for very small companies and entrepreneurs. Due to its unique developments, Arcona technological platform allows for several times faster launch of AR projects. And algorithms of remote virtual content placement open the markets of the whole world for users. Being in Madrid, you can deploy AR presentations in Tokyo, New York or Paris. These can be games, online stores, advertising and travel shows, educational and business projects.

Here are just a few AR cases that will open up opportunities to visualize your business or help you find a new vocation in the Digital Lands of Arcona.

Advertising Agency

Placing advertising in large cities is not easy and very costly. Find free space, choose appropriate designs and still stay within the budget, because the price tags in the popular "passable" areas are usually exorbitant. Not to mention the stationary signs, which always have to coordinate with the city administration. Moreover, in historic areas are increasingly common areas in which the Departments of Architecture simply ban advertising.

At Arcona Metaverse, the whole world is open to you. You just buy or rent a piece of Digital Land in the cities you are interested in, and place advertising in any format. This can be the usual billboards or billboards. A set of such structures is already prepared in the model gallery at Marketplace. You can insert your digital posters or videos into them.

But the possibilities of augmented reality are much broader. Here nothing limits the imagination of an advanced marketer: advertising AR shows, interactive shows of goods and services or game tasks with bonuses and prizes for the participants. With the help of simple and inexpensive tools on Arcona platform not only global corporations can afford such futuristic advertising campaigns, but also, say, the owner of a small café or a souvenir shop, who invites tourists walking in the neighboring square.

However, not all business owners know how to promote themselves in the new digital space, and they definitely need help. Create your own advertising AR agencies in the Arcona ecosystem, experiment with the most breakthrough technologies to help our landowners promote their projects. A page with your portfolio will appear on Arcona Marketplace and you'll be able to implement your marketing ideas anywhere in the world.

Content Boutique

The most in-demand item on Arcona Digital Lands is 3D models. Every landlord or tenant launching an AR project needs characters, buildings and landscape details. Already now the Arcona Marketplace portal has a gallery of models, which are constantly updated. In addition, any 3D artist can offer our users their own works. At the moment this can be done via Sketchfab - the leading service for storing 3D files. It supports a large number of formats and is very easy to use. Here you can easily post your author's works for our landowners to port them to the Arcona world.

In the near future, Arcona Marketplace will open a large content store with pages with portfolios of our artists. By opening a content boutique on a single marketplace of the system, you will not only present the assortment of your virtual models, but also communicate directly with potential customers. In most cases you can't find the right model from standard libraries for serious AR projects, you need a creative approach and thus individual work with the artist.

Real Estate Agency

Augmented reality for real estate companies gives a unique opportunity to clearly demonstrate all the advantages of a development project. This is especially important in cases where the client cannot evaluate it "live". Say, the building is not completed, or the buyer is in another city, or even in another country. Of course, there are always models, drawings and photos, but they do not give a realistic feeling.

At Arcona Digital Lands, it's easy, fast, and most importantly, inexpensive to conduct such AR presentations. You just need to find out where it will be convenient for the client to arrange a viewing, rent a plot in that location for a day or two and place a 3D model of the property without leaving the company's office. This is ideal for selling properties abroad and country cottages, as well as for introducing potential investors to new commercial projects.

It is also possible to organize participation in trade fairs all over the world, even if you can't be there in person. You rent a suitable digital area near the exhibition center and demonstrate virtual life-size models of your objects. Such an unusual "live" exposition will no doubt arouse interest among your visitors and attract the right partners.

Using Arcona Metaverse resources you not only simplify the process of creating and placing AR presentations, but also enlarge the pool of clients. All participants of the ecosystem receive announcements of the projects, which are launched on the Digital Lands.

Trading in AR

Arcona Metaverse is a convenient platform to visualize almost any business. But in the near future it will be especially in demand for retail. Already now almost all trading companies are striving to transfer sales into online mode, via websites and mobile applications. In this situation, the client cannot, as they say, "feel" the goods, and this leads to refusals to buy and numerous returns. We need to learn how to properly and visually demonstrate our products, and here augmented reality comes to the rescue.

With the help of Arcona tools it is possible to show everything from cars and yachts to clothes, appliances and children's toys in photorealistic quality. Using the application, customers can place goods in the surrounding space, for example, arrange the furniture in the apartment or try on interior details, view items from all angles and even watch the work of technology, if models are animated. Agree that it is so much easier and more interesting to choose the goods.

To set up store in Arcona Metaverse, you only need to develop your own showroom in the system's mobile application and fill it with models of your products.

Regular stores with small sales areas can also use Arcona's tools. Virtual showcases in augmented reality will allow you to show the entire assortment and will not take up space in the physical space. Several sections of Digital Land in the store itself or in front of the entrance and the useful space increases many times and the original form of visualization will attract a lot of new customers.

Art Space

You are a beginner painter, sculptor or photographer and just dream of having a personal exhibition. On Arcona lands you can arrange an exhibition of your works even tomorrow, and deploy it in the most iconic places on the planet. Simply digitize your best works or create virtual performances, and place them on rented land next to the Louvre, in Manhattan, or near the Berlin Wall. Thousands of tourists and art lovers will be exposed to your work.

Or, on the contrary, open a permanent augmented reality art gallery in your city, collect digital copies of your favorite artists' works (with all due respect to their copyrights only), and organize virtual tours. You will be able to supplement and update the exhibition at least every day. Such place would quickly become a cult object, especially in small towns where people are not spoiled with cultural events.

Arcona technologies enable operating museums to look at usual and sometimes rather boring expositions in a new way. With the help of our tools you can easily make interactive excursions, bring pictures and layouts to life, launch virtual reconstructions of events or play quests for children, who often lack bright impressions and activities in museums.

Tourist AR parks

Every town and even a small village keeps its stories: folk tales, glorious events of the past, memories of ruined churches and manor houses... But all of them, as a rule, are hidden in the halls of local history museums and on the dusty shelves of archives.

Arcona Metaverse gives connoisseurs of history the unique tools to write a vivid chronicle of the native land. Do 3D reconstructions of lost architectural monuments that no one else can restore. Recreate episodes of bygone years in augmented reality and unfold them in the very places where they took place.

Our experience shows that the launch of such AR parks generates enormous interest not only among the residents and tourists, but also among the local administration, travel agencies and the media. It's a painstaking, but fascinating work that always brings publicity and revenue.

Educational projects

It has already been proven that augmented reality provides an amazing effect in educating not only children, but adults as well. Visual and interactive presentation helps to understand and remember any, even the most complex information much better. These advantages are already actively used by publishers of textbooks and creators of VR simulators for corporate trainings.

Transferring educational projects to Arcona Digital Land is very easy, and most importantly, it is much cheaper than producing separate applications for each location. Thus, having developed one AR educational installation, which illustrates significant events in history, archaeological discoveries or the laws of physics, it can be placed in dozens of schools in different regions of the country.

This scheme will also be convenient for companies with a wide network of branches: they prepare a single training or testing program for their employees in augmented reality and simultaneously launch it in all offices. Your company eliminates the need to equip special training sites and collect staff for advanced training, while your employees are more eager to learn new knowledge in the workplace with the help of modern technology.

Game studio

Arcona Metaverse is ideal for game studios that want to create global AR games with geo-referenced content. Only the technology of remote placement and management of 3D models allows a project to run literally all over the planet at the same time. Developers don't have to travel to different cities to explore and scan the terrain. Just design the gameplay, draw virtual characters, and use the Digital Lands map to select playgrounds. In addition, the Arcona SDK supports the universal Unity engine, so games already running in VR format can be easily ported to the system. All of this significantly lowers the entry threshold for new augmented reality games: professional studios dramatically expand the geography of their projects, and novice enthusiasts get the opportunity to try their hand with minimal investment, while gaining the attention of a wide audience.

The user who walks the streets of real cities with his smartphone can be offered a variety of AR adventures: battles with virtual monsters, exciting searches for objects, exciting quests. Such games are easy to connect with local brands. For example, trace the history of companies in the city and take a quiz for points or tokens, check in at all the cafes to collect game objects or get bonuses from the establishments. And those who get tired of wandering can beat the city record at Tetris on the wall of a skyscraper or play virtual billiards in the city park.

The goal of the Arcona ecosystem is to unite people from all continents in a new cyber universe. Here you can find new friends and business partners, realize your creative ideas and earn good money on them. Augmented reality is an inexhaustible source of inspiration, and we are sure that in the near future hundreds of interesting and super profitable business projects and useful technological ones will be launched on the Digital Land.

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