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Arcona Weekly #2

Updated: Aug 1, 2021

Over the past week we have been preparing for the start of the Wheel of Fortune series in Las Vegas. The gambling sites have been allocated, the bets have been made, and on August 2 we will know the name of the first lucky one.

In the meantime, in Vegas passions are boiling, we are deploying the next playground - next to the legendary Monte Carlo casino. You have exactly one week to exchange your NFT domains for land in the beautiful principality of Monaco.

And most importantly, at the end of the month you will find a super game in which the winner will hit the jackpot - half of all fees received in each gaming zone.

We spin the Wheel of Fortune and believe in luck!

We have summed up the first results of cooperation with the Bancor network and they are impressive. In just a week, the pool liquidity exceeded 700 thousand USD, and the market capitalization grew to $ 4.5 million.

As the Bancor team reports on its official Twitter, the Arcona pool continues to provide some of the highest rates on Bancor Network - over 92% per annum with one-way staking and protection from inconsistent losses.

On Monday, a vote will begin to increase the BNT co-investment limit in the ARCONA pool from 5,000 to 50,000. This will create additional space for one-way ARCONA deposits and significantly increase the pool size and yield of swaps for LP.

By tradition, among all voters, regardless of how they vote, we will give away 20 rare NFT Arcona.

Meanwhile, Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg told The Verge that his company will create a completely new metaverse in the next five years, where you can sense the physical presence of another person through the digital space.

It will be built using AR/VR technology and will run on XR headsets as well as mobile devices and game consoles.

Describing the future Facebook metaverse, the head of the corporation emphasized that no one company will run the metaverse — it will be an “embodied internet, operated by many different players in a decentralized way.

Although some experts associate Zuckerberg's propensity for decentralization with the fact that the US government is attempting to break his current company up in accordance with antitrust laws.

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